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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

POLITICS:“Mimiko presented fake SSS report to win tribunal court case” – Agagu

The security reports which the ruling Labour Party (LP) purportedly submitted before the Ondo State Election Petition Tribunal in 2007 have been found to be fake. Sources said the State Security Service (SSS) and the Police have discovered that the reports that purportedly emanated from the SSS were forged.
It would be recalled that the former Governor Olusegun Agagu, who was sacked through the Appeal Court verdict on February 23,2009 in Benin City had in May, 2010 sent a petition to the President alleging that Governor Olusegun Mimiko forged the security reports on which the tribunal and the Appeal Court, Benin Division, based their judgment and nullified Agagu’s election.
Already, Agagu wrote the Chief Justice of the Federation (CJ) on the basis of the findings of the Police Special Investigation Panel which discovered that virtually all the security reports were forged by LP.
Agagu said in the petition: “My grouse with the verdicts of the Tribunal; and the Court of Appeal is essentially on the acceptance by the two tiers of courts that elections in 10 Local Governments where I won were marred with irregularities while conveniently all the votes cast in the seven Local Governments where the LP won were retained.
According to him”In both judgments, (Tribunal and the Court of Appeal) the decision of the Judges was based on the Security Reports purportedly written by the SSS.
The Security Reports which have now been pronounced to be forgeries by the SSS and the Police were the basis for the verdict.
Agagu said”Mr. Chairman Sir, my counsel objected to the admission of the fake SSS Reports more so that the SSS Officer who was subpoenaed by my opponents stated on oath that the service did not originate or possess such reports!
“The PDP lost more than 62,926 votes through this flaw in just two Local Government Areas (Okitipupa and Irele) where the fake SSS reports were directly used in the judgement and could have influenced decisions in other Local Government Areas.
“You will agree with my Lord that it is against public interest for a party in a suit to produce fraudulent evidence to deceive the court into giving him a favourable judgement.
” On ground of public policy and equity, he should not be permitted or allowed to profit or to continue to enjoy the fruits of such fraudulent victory or judgement particularly where it has to do with a very sensitive political office such as the exalted office of Governor of a State.”
The controversial report is now generating controversy in the state especially now that Mimiko’s tenure for the first mandatory four year is lapsing and he is still interested to remain in office for another four year tenure.


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